As we grow…
As more and more people approached us with financial aid, it became necessary to incorporate the Academy to better keep track of our assets and present a solid business plan to the financial community. We are now registered as a non-profit corporation in the province of Québec, Canada under the number 1167701300. Annual budgets are prepared, long-term forecasts and plans prepared and income statements and balance sheets are kept up-to-date. Our notary, Maitre Jean Gravel, has reviewed all our documentation and everything is in order and on track for a successful year. As everyone in our newly formed company is a volunteer, it is important to remain transparent. People who give their time and support deserve to know that their endeavours and hard work continue to be for a worthy cause. We adhere strictly to our mission statement and to the objectives of the non-profit corporation that was formed.
Our Mission Statement
This non-profit Polish Folk Arts organization, which provides quality training and high-calibre performances in its goal to promote true and authentic Polish culture, aims to involve an interest and desire to participate in this culture in our local community, as well as, nationally and internationally in keeping with the financial goal of the corporation to maintain and increase its revenue so that an ever-growing contribution can be given back to the community through its charitable work.
This is of cource achieved through our objectives…
Our objectives
Objects of the corporation in both English and French
Les objets pour lesquels la personne morale sans but lucratif est constituée sont les suivants :
The objects of the non-profit corporation are as follows:
A) Instruire et augmenter la compréhension et l’appréciation publiques des arts par l’enseignement du folklore de la Pologne et du Canada, aussi bien que, d’autres cultures.
Instruct and develop the understanding and appreciation of the general public to the folk art of Poland, Canada and other cultures through education.
B) Instruire et augmenter la compréhension et l’appréciation publiques des arts en présentant des spectacles et des événements, accentuant l’art folklorique de la Pologne, le Canada et d’autres cultures.
Instruct and develop the understanding and appreciation of the general public to folk art through the presentation and organisation of performances and events showcasing the folk art of Poland, Canada and other cultures
C) Enseigner le folklore de la Pologne et d’autres cultures, sous l’autorité et l’approbation de la loi au sujet de la formation privée et ses règles et règlements.
Teach the folklore of Poland and other cultures, under the authority and approval of the law concerning private training and its rules and regulations.
D) Engager strictement la société et ses volontaires dans les spectacles et les événements qui favorisent et soutiennent des organismes charitables.
Strictly guide the corporation and its volunteers and members to engage in performances and events that benefit and support charitable organisations.
E) Recevoir des dons, legs et autres contributions de même nature en argent, en valeurs mobilières ou immobilières, administrer de tels dons, legs et contributions ; organiser des campagnes de souscriptions dans le but de recueillir des fonds pour des fins charitables.
Receive donations, legacies and other contributions in the form of cash money, securities or real estate, administer such donations, legacies and contributions: organise fund-raising campaigns with the goal of supporting charitable causes.
Charity – “Giving back is our key”
We aim at helping charities that aid both children and seniors alike. These are the most vulnerable people of our society, but are also the ones that bring us the most in return. Firstly, children for they are the future:
- If we can help bring a smile to the face of a sick child and help them forget their illness -then we are successful!
- If we can help raise money for a children’s orphange – then we are successful!
- If we can open up children’s minds to the fact that all cultures, though different, have so many similarities where all people are looking for the same thing in life – then we are successful!
- If we can convince children to join in the dance and actually have fun doing it – then we are successful!
- If we can get children to teach their parents or guardians the gift of cultural exchange – then we successful!
Our 2nd target group are the senior citizens of this world:
- In this group, we find the greatest knowledge of the world and this time we learn from them simply by listening
- Getting them up for a dance or a sing-along brings all of us such joy
- Bringing music and youth into a Senior Citizen’s Residence is one of the best cures
- Teaching a senior citizen a new dance does wonders for the mind and the sense of accomplishment that we all seek
A little step goes a long way
We know at the Academy that we can’t cure the world of all its ailments, but we are determined to make a difference that counts. All the members of the corporation are of the same mind and we share equally in all that is asked of us. We have never refused any charitable organisation that approaches us with a worthy cause and we are actively seeking charitable causes daily. It is in our very foundation!!! Step-by-Step…